Colab Notebooks as Tools

I created a growing collection of Jupyter notebooks with digital methods tools for use with Google Collaboratory. Since a Google account is required for executing a notebook with Colab the notebooks are set up to make use of your private Google Drive for storing sensitive config data as well as your results. You will be prompted for authentification. For storing data a directory Colab_Data will be created automatically if it does not yet exist in your Google Drive. Due to this setup these notebooks will not work properly with Binder.

The following tools are currently available:

  1. Github_Repository_Data
  2. Query Apple App Store and Retrieve Similar Network
  3. Query Google Play and Retrieve Similar Network
  4. Scrape Bitchute Platform Recommendations
  5. Telegram-Message-Retrieval


  1. Visit:
  2. In Google Colab go to File/Open Notebook, select Github and paste bumatic/colab-notebooks-as-tools as pointer to my code repository.
  3. Select and open the tool you want to run from the list of notebooks.
  4. Follow the instructions in the notebook.